Prior to booking your initial appointment you will be required to have a diagnosis signed by a HCPC or GMC registered psychologist or psychiatrist. (if you are unsure whether your current documentation matches these specifications, please email it to info@thegenderhormoneclinic.com and our clinical team will be happy to review).

Dr. Dmitri Popelyuk
Consultant Adult Psychiatrist
Dr Popelyuk MD. MRCPsych. is a Consultant Psychiatrist based in Harley Street. Dr Popelyuk and his team of psychiatrists and psychologists provide prompt and reliable access to diagnosis, effective treatment, and excellent patient experience for individuals with gender dysphoria/incongruence or mental health conditions. Dr Popelyuk is a member of The British Association of Gender Identity Specialists (BAGIS), the World and European Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH,EPATH), a Fellow of the European Committee of Sexual Medicine and a member of BSSM (British Society for Sexual Medicine) and also on the Government register of recognised Gender Specialists in the UK.
Dr Popelyuk studied medicine at Odessa Medical University and trained in psychiatry at the Maudsley and Royal Free Hospitals in London, specialising in general adult psychiatry, rehabilitation psychiatry, personality disorders, psychotherapy, and psychosexual medicine.
Laura Scarrone
Gender Specialist Clinical Psychologist
Laura Scarrone Bonhomme BSc (Hons). MSc. CPsychol. is a HCPC registered Clinical Psychologist. Laura is a gender specialist psychologist, a member of The British Association of Gender Identity Specialists (BAGIS),and the World and European Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH,EPATH). Laura is also on the Government register of recognised Gender Specialists in the UK.

Dr. Vickie Pasterski
Gender Identity Specialist
Dr. Vickie Pasterski has more than 20 years of experience in the field of gender development, beginning with an MA in Counselling Psychology at Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles. While at LMU, she specialised in neuropsychological assessment methods and conducted research looking at gender-related neurocognitive functioning.Vickie is a gender specialist psychologist, a member of The British Association of Gender Identity Specialists (BAGIS) and the World and European Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH,EPATH). She is also on the Government register of recognised Gender Specialists in the UK.
In 1998, Vickie moved to the UK to study for a PhD with the Behavioural Neuroendocrinology Laboratory, Department of Psychology, City University, London. Her doctoral research focused on relative influences of foetal androgen exposure and parental socialisation in the development of gender-related behaviour. Also, as part of her doctoral training, Vickie worked alongside specialists in Paediatric Endocrinology/Urology at Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, monitoring gender-related development in individuals diagnosed with a disorder of sex development (DSD, or Intersex).
Dr. Debby Jackson
Chartered Clinical Psychologist
Dr Debby Jackson is a Chartered Clinical Psychologist, registered with the Health and Care Professions Council, and Gender Diversity Specialist based in Exeter in the South West of England.
Dr. Jackson obtained her Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from University College London in 2006. She is a full member of the World Professional Association of Transgender Health and the British Association of Gender Identity Specialists and is included in the HM Court and Tribunal Services’ List of Specialists in the Field of Gender Dysphoria.